$999.00 USD

Ready to create your Next-Level Life?

Here's your opportunity to grab my 5 step training: How to Create Your Next-Level Life at the discounted price of $88 (normally $111).

What you'll get:

  • Part 1: Getting Clear on What You Want
  • Part 2: Clear the Clutter (Physical, Mental & Emotional)
  • Part 3: Goal Setting
  • Part 4: Commitment
  • Part 5: Accountability

All videos are housed in an online membership platform that you will have full access to upon purchase!

You won't see this one-time offer anywhere else!

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Unapologetically YOU: Get What You Want by Embracing Your Human Design!

Revealing your unique Human Design is like receiving an owner's manual on how to live a fulfilled and purposeful life! THIS is where our journey together begins!

It's YOUR time! Time for you to uncover what you truly want out of life and how YOU are in your own way of having, being, or doing it! This is a package built specifically tailored to your unique Human Design. Together, we will unlock the magic within your Design and co-create action steps, as well as release any limiting beliefs, so you can start living into your unique Human Design to experience the life you truly desire! This offering includes your personalized Human Design reading (live, interactive & recorded over Zoom), as well as four additional one-on-one coaching sessions where I will empower you to weave your Design into everything you do!

What you'll get Revealed in your private session:

  • Energy Type: Determines the best way for you to navigate your life and highlights the unique strengths you have. 
  • Strategy: This is how you are designed to move through the world and how to use your energy.
  • Authority: This is how you make decisions for yourself using your body intelligence.
  • Not-Self Theme: Your body’s way of telling you that something is out of alignment and requires your attention. Your red flag.
  • Signature: Your body’s way of telling you that you’re living in alignment with your design.
  • Profile: Your costume for how you show up and interact with the world.
  • Deconditioning: The process of being less of “what other people want you to be” and living more within your Human Design.
  • Defined center: Your consistent and reliable strengths.
  • Undefined center: Your greatest teachers and your deepest source of wisdom.
  • And so much more!

Your Reveal session is 60 minutes in length and held over Zoom. You will receive a recording of the session, a 15-20 page guidebook created specifically for you based on your unique design, a copy of your Human Design Bodygraph, additional resources (including podcast episodes specific to your design) to further support the information you learn, as well as journal prompts to work through any deconditioning that may be required after learning your design. That's A LOT of support!

After your Reveal session has been held, you'll then receive 4 more one on one coaching sessions as outlined above.

 [ Once your purchase is complete, you'll receive an email to schedule your Reveal session. ]