
I know you’re feeling stuck and frustrated.

I know something is occurring in your life (and health) that you don’t want to be experiencing.

And I know what it’s doing to you!

It’s affecting your sleep ~ your digestion ~ your weight ~ your mood ~ your career ~ the way you look and feel ~ It’s even affecting your relationships!

And the reason I know this? 

Because I've been there. But I don’t feel that way anymore – and you don’t have to either!

Let me help guide you so that you can create a life you love!

I’m Amy.

My journey began with my own healing.

You see, I once had a life that others described as perfect: a great marriage, amazing kids, a beautiful home and a great career.

And then it changed…

I found myself a divorced, single mother of two with overwhelming responsibilities and an image to uphold. I still thought I had to be perfect at all times, and with everyone else in my life struggling, there was no room for me to have faults or weaknesses.

But faking this perception of perfection was too exhausting and took a toll on my health. I just couldn’t do it anymore. I felt stuck. Sound familiar?

Letting go of all the walls I had put in place was scary and vulnerable and so worth it. 

Sharing, supporting, and guiding you is my purpose.

Working together, we will navigate a deep understanding of your unique Human Design and co-create action steps that are tailored for you so that you can:

Transform your mindset – replacing negative self-talk with inspiration

Get clear on your future and how to create it –
revealing the blindspots and removing old limiting beliefs

Experience relief from stress and overwhelm –
relaxing your mind and creating new coping strategies

Regain confidence – so you feel empowered in everything you do

Take charge of your decisions – so you love every aspect of your life


Here’s a little bit about me…

  • I received my Bachelors of Science in Finance at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
  • My career journey started in Indiana, where I worked in the banking industry for 24 years.
  • I had an unhealthy relationship with food, my body image, and was in a dead end cycle of trying to control everything in my life.
  • In addition to my demanding career, I was now divorced and the sole provider of my two amazing kiddos, and could no longer sustain the exhausting pursuit of perfection.
  • I decided if I wanted things to be different, I was going to have to different things. So I hired a coach. Actually, I ended up hiring 3 coaches, each with a unique specialty. One for nutrition, and one for exercise programming, but it was the mindset coach that changed everything for me.
  • I’m a ‘trust but verify kind of person’, so I decided I was going to go through the education process to become a certified coach myself. I received certifications as a Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Behavior Change Specialist, Health Coach, Life Coach and Transformational Coach, at the Mastery level.
  • Through my own personal transformation journey, accompanied with the education and results my practice clients were achieving, I knew I couldn’t keep this to myself.
  • So I put all the perceived safety and security behind me in my corporate life and left corporate America to fulfill my life’s purpose of helping others create their freedom.

I haven’t experienced your personal story yet,
but want you to know that I’ve been stuck and felt lost.

I now live life with freedom and purpose and truly love who I’ve become.
I believe you can, too!