Living Life Unapologetically
Feb 06, 2022
Living Life Unapologetically
I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for a couple of years now. I've let lots of things get in the way of actually doing it. Not anymore, today is the day.
I recently returned from one of the most amazing experiences of my life journey yet. In January, I went to Costa Rica for 11 days to attend a deep-dive intense training into the life-changing world of Human Design.
Not familiar with Human Design? Allow me to enlighten you.
At birth, every human comes into this world with an energetic blueprint of what their highest, most authentic and powerful self is, and Human Design was created to show us what each of ours is. I like to think of mine as my operator's manual.
In essence, your soul came here with a masterful plan to live an extraordinary life! Human Design is the roadmap guiding you as to how to live yours, highlighting your strengths, and how you best make decisions in alignment within your roadmap.
My time in Costa Rica was definitely FULL of learning, but so much more than just classroom style learning. There was deep, soul-level learning.
I’ve never understood myself better. Ever. Some of what I learned was so eye-opening, it's been two full weeks since I returned, and I'm still allowing it to sink in.
And as a result, I will now and forever more, live as unapologetically me.
Interestingly enough, I made this declaration of being “unapologetically me” way back in January of 2019 when I left Corporate America to be an entrepreneur. (#bestdecisionofmylife)
After 25 years of doing what was expected of me (and then some), constantly putting others’ needs before mine, juggling real-life responsibilities of being a single-mom, and never being asked what I wanted in life, it was long overdue for me to get in the drivers seat of my own life.
After all, if you don’t, someone else is more than willing to take that seat.
Fast forward three years, I can honestly say this hasn't been easy. Not everyone was happy about this decision. Epiphany = I'm not here to please everyone. Most certainly not at the expense of my own happiness.
Living my life as unapologetically me looks like this:
- No longer doing what is expected of me, and instead doing what feels aligned
- Saying what's on my mind, speaking my truth, and not worrying or carrying the weight of how someone might receive it
- Saying no to family and friend 'obligations' free of excuses or feeling the need to defend my decisions
- Showing my amazing kiddos it's okay to put yourself first, express your wants and needs, and expect love and support
- Moving to my dream environment so far away from those I love
None of this was modeled for me. I can almost hear the feedback from those who wouldn't understand or accept this. Newsflash: I don't need anyone's acceptance or permission to be unapologetically me. I just get to.
And so do you, if you choose.
I'm choosing to make the rest of my life, THE BEST OF MY LIFE.
What are you choosing?
Are you interested in finding out more about YOUR Human Design?
Interested in learning how to live into YOUR Human Design?
Download the FREE roadmap now
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